MasiCostasera Amarone 2019

Product code: 19091
£45.90 inc VAT
Country: Italy
Region: Veneto
Type: Red Wine
Winery: Masi
Alcohol: 15%
Volume: 750 ml
Grape: 70% Corvina, 25% Rondinella, 5% Molinara
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All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual label may vary due to changes between vintages.

Country: Italy
Region: Veneto
Type: Red Wine
Winery: Masi
Alcohol: 15%
Volume: 750 ml
Grape: 70% Corvina, 25% Rondinella, 5% Molinara

Product Notes

Masi Costasera Amarone is a full-bodied, smooth and complex Italian red wine that has gained a reputation for its unique and intense flavor profile. This wine is made from a blend of Corvina, Rondinella, and Molinara grapes that are carefully selected, hand-harvested and left to dry for months on trays in a special cellar to increase the sugar concentration and flavor intensity. Once the grapes are pressed, the wine is aged in oak barrels for up to three years to achieve its characteristic depth, richness, and balanced tannins. The result is a bold, luscious wine with flavors of dark fruit, chocolate, and hints of spice, perfect for pairing with hearty dishes such as roasted meats and powerful cheeses.

Tasting Notes

Proud, majestic, complex and exuberant: this is Masi's gentle giant. A benchmark for the Amarone category, which, together with Barolo and Brunello, makes up the aristocracy of the Italian wine world. Fruity tastes, with hints of coffee and cocoa. Very well balanced.

About the Winery


Italian wines are known for their elegance and rich winemaking processes. Masi is one such Italian wine company that has been making historic wines for over 200 years now. This brand's origin dates back to 1772, when the Boscaini family purchased a few acres of vineyards in the Vaio dei Massi Valley. The rich soil diversity, exquisite climate, and natural conditions of the place inspired the family to set up its company right in that valley.

Today, 200 years later, Masi is still known for producing some of the scintillating and popular wines like Amarone and others that speak volumes about the rich Venetian heritage. Currently, the sixth and seventh-generation Boscaini family members control and manage the winemaking at the wineries. Masi wine is a native of the Valpolicella Classica region in Italy; however, it successfully owns and manages two famous organic wine estates in Tuscany and Argentina.

A characteristic feature of the winemaking techniques followed at Masi is the Appassimento technique. It is quite surprising that this method was followed right during the early Romans' times and is continued today. This is the technique where the grapes are partially dried naturally to retain the fruit's colours, flavours, and aroma. Thanks to this, the wines made from these groups are highly concentrated and have high alcohol content in them.

Amarone and Recioto, two of the flagship wines of Masi, are created from grapes that have been completely dried using the above-mentioned technique. In the last five years, the expert winemaking team at Masi, has followed this technique to create 5 Amarones and 3 Reciotos to date.  This brand has also popularized the indigenous grape varietals of the Venetian regions by making some classic wines. Corvina, Rondinella and Molinara are some of the rich native grape varietals used in plenty at the Masi winery.

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